Welcome to the Functional Assessment Rating Scales (FARS) Training and Certification System.
If you are one of the
students already certified through the online FARS Rater
Certification System, or if you are returning to complete your training, please enter your User ID and Password previously established (do not use dashes or spaces) and click Login.
Please read this document prior to registering for the FARS application.
You must download and read this new manual before beginning your training. The manual has detailed instructions about registering for the online training, selecting your password, taking the training and printing your certificate.
If you know your user ID and have forgotten your password, please click on retrieve your password. If you registered in FARS/CFARS prior to August 2012, your user ID is your SSN without any spaces or dashes. If you registered in FARS/CFARS after July 2012 and do not know your user ID, please click on the link in the last paragraph below to request assistance.
If you have not previously registered as a student, please click here to register.
Your user ID and password must follow the parameters outlined in the link in the second paragraph above.
The registration process
will require that you provide some personal information that will enable us to identify you as a certified FARS
rater and to communicate important information in the future.
Questions concerning the Functional Assessment Rating Scale (FARS) should be sent to FARS@dcf.state.fl.us.
A staff member of the Mental Health Program Office, the Florida Department of Children and Families will respond to these questions.